Is it better to enrol a child in public school or homeschool them?

This Week With Huzoor - 24 January 2025

Would it be better to enrol my daughter in to a public school or to home school her?

Huzoor (aa) said:

At times, they start to teach children from a very young age about sex education and gender education and so on. If you want her to be home schooled to safeguard yourself from that then that is a separate matter. Or you could initially enrol her at school and then when they introduce these subjects in Grade 4,5 or 6 then you could take them out from public school and do home schooling. She can be sent to school for the initial years of her education and this is beneficial as well as they are able to socialize. If you are to home school them then you will have to take them on trips yourself if they cant go with the school. For example on hikes, outings, excursions or boating etc. You will then have to do that yourself. If you can do that all yourself then that is fine. They dont continue to teach about sex education or gender education till Grade 12, they mainly do this in grade 4,5 and 6. That is the time they can pollute the mind however they want. And so, thereafter you can see based on the circumstances and enrol them into public school. However, it all depends on what extent you can look after the children.