Do not lose your own children while attempting to reform others?

Virtual mulaqat with National Amila of Finland | November 12, 2021

Ahmad Farooq Qureshi Sahib, Secretary Umur-e-Kharija said that in the Western society, a lot of focus and attention had been given to homosexuality. He asked how one could effectively present the teachings of Islam.

Huzoor (aa) said, “Before presenting it to people [outside], present it to your people at home”.

Huzoor (aa) said that it was essential to create a friendly environment and friendship with one’s children so that when they came home from school, they were able to openly speak to their parents about what they learned. Then, one could take this opportunity to talk about the truth of the matter.

Do not lose your own children while attempting to reform others. That should be our foremost concern.”